Category: History

Top 10 oldest religions in the world

At present, it is very difficult to give an unambiguous and clear answer to the question of which of the religions appeared before the others. Archaeological research provides new information for the next discussion on this topic. However, you can identify at least a dozen religions, whose history includes several ...

10 interesting facts about Yuri Gagarin

Yuri Gagarin April 12, 1961 realized the dream of all mankind, becoming the first who left our planet and traveled into space. After that, there were still hundreds of flights, many astronauts achieved more, but Gagarin was the first, so his name will never be erased from history. He was ...

10 interesting facts about Ermak Timofeevich - the conqueror of Siberia

Ermak Timofeevich Alenin is a historical person, a person who has done a lot for our country. His main merit is expanding the borders of the state, in particular, conquering the territory of Siberia. Ermak lived during the time of Tsar Ivan the Terrible. Little is known about him. In most cases, information ...

10 interesting facts about Kutuzov - a cunning and brave commander

Mikhail Illarionovich Kutuzov is a Russian commander, known throughout the world for his military talents and victories. He became the successor to military science founded by Suvorov and Rumyantsev. Mikhail Illarionovich was a truly outstanding personality, one of the brightest people of his time. His name is familiar ...

10 interesting facts about Stalin - a man whose name still inspires fear

The odious figure of Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin causes fierce debate among historians. He is considered a wise leader and an indifferent despot, an intelligent man and an angry madman, to whom rage sometimes blinds his eyes. During the years of Stalin's rule, repression affected almost every third family ...

10 interesting facts about Ilya Muromets - beloved epic hero

The ideal hero warrior, the hero was Ilya Muromets. He, according to legend, was born an ordinary peasant, but then became the defender of the Russian land from enemies. Interestingly, it is mentioned not only in ours, but also in European legends. According to legend, he was born in the village of Karacharova, not far from ...

10 interesting facts about the Cheops pyramid and its unusual design

The appearance of the legendary Cheops pyramid is known far beyond Egypt. It is considered almost the main attraction of this country. Each self-respecting tourist, having decided to visit Egypt, dreams of seeing with his own eyes this only Wonder of the World, which has survived to this day. Despite ...

Top 10 interesting facts about the Battle of Kulikovo

The Kulikovo battle is the heroic battle of our people with the army of the Golden Horde. The battle and victory in it was of great importance to the Russian people. The outcome of the Battle of Kulikovo showed the people exhausted by the invasion of foreigners that they are strong and in their power to put an end to this horror. Only in association ...

Top 10 interesting facts about Ancient Egypt

Ancient Egypt - the kingdom of the ancient world, which was located in northeast Africa along the lower reaches of the Nile River. The Egyptians left a huge mark in the history of mankind, and we are not only talking about all the famous pyramids. Medicine, science, sky observation, social, economic ...