Category: History

Top 10 interesting facts about Adolf Hitler

Adolf Hitler is known to almost everyone who has studied the history of our country. This man became a politician and speaker, as well as the commander in chief of the armed forces of Germany. Adolf's policy was clearly manifested during the Second World War, which began in Europe. His name is also associated with various ...

Top 10 interesting facts about Alexander Nevsky

Alexander Yaroslavovich Nevsky - 1221-1263 is a famous person who has made an invaluable contribution to the development of Russian history. He is also the Prince of Novgorod, the Grand Duke of Kiev, the Grand Duke of Vladimir and an unsurpassed commander. His merits were so great that after death he was canonized....

Top 10 most interesting facts about Napoleon Bonaparte

The figure of Napoleon Bonaparte appeared during the French Revolution and over the years has become one of the most important military and political symbols in the history of Europe. As an emperor, he dominated his country and began to realize his incredibly ambitious plans, pursuing aggressive ...

Top 10 most interesting facts about Peter I

Peter the Great is the world-famous tsar of all Russia. Already at the age of 10, he began to rule on his own. But his brother remained formally watching the state. From a young age, Peter attracted interest in various sciences. He became the first king who made a long journey through the countries ...

Top 10 most famous real pirates in history

In the Caribbean and beyond, pirates will live in history on the waves of bravado - whether because of power, inappropriate glory or cruelty. Everyone enjoyed a certain period, usually short-lived, of success in their waters. Shrouded in tradition and mysticism, the pirates gained a cruel reputation for their ...

Top 10 most expensive postage stamps of the USSR

The very first postage stamp was created in 1857. Its appearance was made according to the idea of ​​the engraver Franz Kepler. On the first stamps there were no teeth yet, and simple postal horns were depicted on them, over which you can see the coat of arms of the Russian Federation. Even higher above the emblem was the price for a postage stamp. During ...

10 interesting facts about the first printer Ivan Fedorov

Each of us knows that a book is an easily accessible tool of knowledge. If necessary, we turn to the library and absorb new information. But it was not always so. This method was available only to the elite. Ivan Fedorov is a pioneer who made a huge contribution to the development of literature. ...

Top 10 most famous brands in the world

We have all heard about the brands Disney, Apple, etc., but are not very familiar with the history of their creation. Our top ten includes famous brands that occupy the lion's share of the market in their segment. They are so firmly entrenched in our life that we cannot imagine it without these brands. Phones ...

10 most famous leaders of popular uprisings

World history is full of examples of major uprisings aimed at overthrowing the existing political regime. Some of them were successful for their organizers. However, most of these riots ended in failure, and cruel reprisals awaited the leaders of all the rebellious. Introducing ...

10 most famous Roman gladiators

Ancient Rome is famous for its cruel and bloody entertainments. Most of all, people liked to look at ruthless gladiatorial battles. As a public sight, this phenomenon arose at the beginning of the 2nd century BC and instantly gained immense popularity. Gladiators (from the Latin. "Swordsman") were called fighters, ...

10 most famous philosophers of the world

Philosophers have always been called sages. In antiquity, it was they who were engaged in mathematics, medicine, astronomy. They have become part of our global experience. It is from philosophers that we learn things that are important to us. The sage will not stop asking questions until he knows all the answers. With the help of philosophy we can ...

10 most terrifying nuclear accidents and disasters on Earth

When scientists walked towards the discovery of atomic energy step by step, they dreamed of giving humanity the opportunity to use these heat sources to significantly improve people's quality of life and to make new even more valuable discoveries. It was unlikely that they could imagine how terrible it could be. ...

10 facts about Notre Dame Cathedral

Notre Dame Cathedral is a monumental building, which was immortalized by the great French writer and thinker Victor Hugo in his work. Despite the fact that the cathedral stood in Paris for many hundreds of years, it attracted the attention of the general public only after the publication of the eponymous work....

10 most famous Russian writers

There is an opinion that classical works are no longer relevant, because the new generation has completely different ideals and life values. People who think so are deeply mistaken. Classics is the best that has been created in the entire history of world literature. She fosters taste and moral ...

10 most famous paintings by Mikhail Vrubel

Vrubel Mikhail Alexandrovich - Russian artist of the turn of the XIX-XX centuries. The Symbolist painted gloomy and tragic paintings that are difficult to confuse with the works of other artists. His most famous works are The Lilac of 1900, The Swan Princess of 1900, The Sitting Demon of 1890. Mikhail Vrubel - ...