Category: Armament

10 most powerful traumatic pistols in the world for 2020

Today, the firearms market in Russia is very limited. And if it comes to small arms, then an ordinary citizen for personal use only firearms of limited destruction are available. Although by law the muzzle energy of a shot for traumatic means ...

Top 10 types of the most expensive weapons in the world

An ancient weapon, whether it be a dagger, a saber or a gun, can cost fabulous money, especially if it: is made by a famous gunsmith; belonged to a famous person or participated in an important battle; has excellent condition, all parts are original; trimmed with precious stones. These ...

10 most beautiful scouts and spies in history

In January 1862, Rose O’Neil Greenhaw was arrested in Washington, who was charged with espionage in favor of the Confederation (at that time the United States was in the Civil War). She informed the southerners about the plans of the northerners and about the deployment of their troops. But no solid evidence against Greenhaw ...

10 real reasons why human civilization could disappear soon

Somehow recently, people began to think especially often that our planet is actually quite fragile. And we (that is, humanity) with our unbridled behavior and ill-considered actions only bring closer every possible hour a “global kapets”. After all, it is our fault that disappears ...

10 feats of Russian girls during the war

The Great Patriotic War became a real test for the Russian people. Everyone tried to make a contribution and a little closer victory. Men fought, the elderly, women and children worked in the rear - this is how modern man represents war. In fact, women also took an active part ...

10 legendary songs of the Great Patriotic War

So the holiday of the Great Victory that our Motherland won in the difficult and bloody Patriotic War came nearer. These were battles for truth and honor, for family and land, for faith and cultural identity. Today we bring 10 famous and very soulful songs that best describe ...

10 interesting facts about the Great Patriotic War

The Second World War lasted from 1939 to 1945. And this means redrawing the commodity market and the market for products in their favor. 10. The question of the number of deaths remains open so far. In the post-war years, statistics on dead people were not dealt with. If irretrievable war losses ...

10 heroes of World War II

The history of the Great Patriotic War is full of examples of not only the monstrous deprivations and trials that millions of people have experienced during these terrible four years, but also examples of incomparable valor and courage. At first glance, ordinary people, not flinching in the face of death, day after day brought closer ...

10 most unusual types of cold steel of antiquity

The first weapon, apparently, appeared even when the person was not quite human. So a stone or a stick in the hands of our distant ancestor is also, in essence, a weapon. Further more. The stronger a person moved along the “historical scale”, the more complex (and deadly!) Became ...

10 cases with robots that killed people

Today, the robotization of the world is no longer so scary: smart mechanical "helpers" carry out complex operations, prepare food for you, transport, count and perform many other useful actions. The fact that a person can still control the machine, and the prospect of conquering humanity by robots, is encouraging ...

10 modern technologies that we saw only in the cinema

Undoubtedly, technological progress has moved very far in recent years, and unmanned vehicles, robotic surgeons and space probes on Mars are no longer surprised. Nevertheless, to some of the technologies announced in science fiction films, we are still far away. Although, perhaps, there are concepts and even the first ...

10 predictions of Nostradamus for 2019

Michel de Nostrdam, better known by the name of Nostradamus, is an extremely controversial person when it comes to his predictions. Being primarily an alchemist and a pharmacist, he became famous no longer in these areas, but in the prophecies that he wrote in the middle of the 16th century. Not a secret, ...

10 most likely conspiracy theories in human history

What else can alert and intrigue the layman so much as the new conspiracy theory that was launched by world figures against humanity. Each of us always “knows how best” in our hearts, so we are happy to dive into new streams of information from the ever-awake media. Stuffing continues ...

Top 10 Legendary Swords

It is known that swords from various alloys were used in military campaigns, as well as special historical missions. The possession of edged weapons of various shapes, sizes and degrees of severity was taught to future heroes from a young age. The best sword masters became legendary warriors, the epics of which ...

10 barbarian tribes with which the Romans fought

The Roman Empire had vast territories, its possessions stretched across Europe and the entire coast of the Mediterranean Sea. In addition, this state was famous for its wealth. It is not surprising that the territories and treasures belonging to the Romans aroused keen interest among the barbarian tribes, the land ...

10 most famous knightly orders

European history knows many knightly orders founded in different eras. Some of these famous orders later became powerful organizations that possessed countless treasures and influenced the course of history. 10. Order of St. Lazarus. This community was ...

Top 10 Military Motorcycles

Events and exhibitions on modern motorcycles are held annually, which attract a huge number of spectators. However, "old men" military motorcycles will always have their fans thanks to their excellent quality and "combat experience." Below is a selection of military equipment that ...

10 most unusual types of firearms

Throughout the entire existence of human civilization, weapons as such have periodically undergone many very different changes. However, sometimes the result of some work of design engineers were very original things. In this material, a list of gunshots will be presented to your attention. ...

10 best revolvers in the world

The first revolver was created in 1818 by an officer from Massachusetts. Next, look at the list of the 10 best revolvers in the world. 10. Colt In 1836, Samuel Colt opened the first factory in America, where they began to mass produce Colts of various models. The first model that saw the light was called ...

The fastest helicopters in the world

A helicopter is a type of air transport that is used for both military and civilian purposes. The most advanced are military vehicles, which, in addition to excellent technical characteristics, differ in speed features. Top 10 includes the fastest ...