Category: Culture

10 oldest universities in the world

The first higher educational institutions - universities, began to appear more than a thousand years ago. At first, most of them focused on teaching theology, but over time they began to focus on the development of the exact sciences, medicine, and the fine arts. For almost more than ten centuries created ...

Top 10 biggest sins in Islam

There is a fairly large list of sins. Over a lifetime, a person can make a lot of them. However, each sin is evaluated in a different degree of severity, which means that the punishment for them will be different. Most often conditionally forbidden acts are divided into two types: large and small. Punishment for great misconduct ...

10 interesting facts from the life of famous artists

The life, work and heritage of great people are filled with a mass of stories that seem incredible to us. In this collection, we have collected 10 of the most amazing and interesting facts, stories from the life of artists that will help you better understand their work and reveal their identities from an unusual perspective. ...

Top 10 most famous poems by Marina Tsvetaeva - piercing works of love

Marina Tsvetaeva (1892-1941) - Russian poet of the Silver Age. In poetry, Tsvetaeva wanted to be diverse, and was looking for different ways for this. More than others, she managed poems on philosophical and love topics. Her personality was mysterious - she often fell in love with both women and men. She has ...

10 interesting facts from the biography of Mikhail Bulgakov

Mikhail Bulgakov is a talented Russian writer. Most of us know him as the author of the novel “The Master and Margarita” and the novel “The Heart of a Dog”, but he has many other equally worthy works. Bulgakov was not limited to writing, he was a playwright, director, and even an actor....

10 interesting facts from the biography of Fet and his tragic fate

Afanasy Afanasevich Fet is a famous Russian poet and poet. His work is popular not only among lovers of poetry, based on his poems created a lot of romances. Now the poet’s works are highly rated, they are considered the peak of Russian lyrics, but this was not always the case. During the life of Afanasy Afanasyevich ...

10 most popular Turkish songs for 2020

Turkey is one of the most popular resorts in the world. This hot country has long earned the love of Russians. Everyone who rested in Turkey was at least slightly imbued with its culture and the beauty of the surrounding nature, absorbed sunlight and sea salt, enjoyed the local music. If you want for a while ...

10 interesting facts from the life of writers

Famous people do not know what a calm life is. The paparazzi are ready to do anything to get incriminating photos, and only the lazy does not discuss the details of the personal life of the stars. But it was not always like that. A couple of centuries ago, when many of our beloved writers lived, there was no "yellow" press and the Internet....

The most popular Arabic songs - beautiful compositions for music lovers

Hot Arab countries have always been a tempting mystery for a Russian person. The culture of nations far from us attracts with its obscurity and captivates with its uniqueness. The music of these countries is very emotional and covers completely different topics. Of course, the main one is love and relationships. ...

10 interesting facts about Buddhism

During the Buddha’s desire for enlightenment, there were many religious practices that required either excessive pampering of feelings or severe deprivation, as in fasting weeks. Understanding that none of them was really useful, they came up with what would later become known as the “Middle Way” ...

10 interesting facts about Aristotle - the greatest philosopher

People seeking knowledge should definitely read the books of the Greek philosopher Aristotle (384-322 BC), but you need to start with certain ones, since his works are very difficult for beginners - they were written for colleagues. You can start with the book Aristotle for All, which sets out ...

10 interesting facts about Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky

Name P.I. Tchaikovsky is familiar to every Russian person, and his works are known not only in his native country, but far, far beyond its borders. Not only famous, but also beloved. He lived and worked at the end of the 19th century, in a wonderful time, which was marked by the flourishing of cultural and scientific life. ...

10 interesting facts about the theater and its development

Theater - this is a form of art that combines literature, music, as well as choreography, vocals and even visual art. Theater can be of different types. For example, dramatic, opera, ballet, puppet. Currently, the pantomime theater is famous. Earlier this art represented ...

Top 10 Interesting Facts About William Shakespeare

The prominent English playwright William Shakespeare was born on April 23, 1564 and died at the age of 52 on April 23, 1616. Most of the people living on Earth are probably familiar with the cultural and historical heritage of Shakespeare. Even those of us who are not keen on classical ...